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Spinners are sized as 1em by default. To change their size, add an inline style to increase the font size as shown below.

<cc-spinner style="font-size: 2rem;"></cc-spinner>
<!-- or -->
<cc-spinner style="--size: 2em;"></cc-spinner>


Speed defualts to 1s, you can change that using --speed custom property.

<cc-spinner style="--speed: 0.5s;"></cc-spinner>

Track Width

The width of the spinnerโ€™s track can be changed by setting the --track-width custom property.

<cc-spinner style="font-size: 2rem; --track-width: 4px;"></cc-spinner>


Color can be changed by setting --track-color and --indicator-color custom properties.

  style="font-size: 2rem; --track-color: pink; --indicator-color: deeppink;">