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File Upload

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File upload is a wrapper around input element with type="file" that let the user choose one or more files from their device storage. Once chosen, the files can be uploaded to a server using form submission.

Upload a file or drag and drop here

Accepted files: JPEG and PNG up to 10MB.

<cc-file-upload label="Cover letter" accept=".png, .jpg, .jpeg">
  <cc-icon icon="upload" slot="upload-icon" style="--size: 3ch;"></cc-icon>
  <p><b>Upload a file</b> or drag and drop here</p>
  <p>Accepted files: JPEG and PNG up to 10MB.</p>

Helper Text

Upload a file or drag and drop here

Accepted files: JPEG and PNG up to 10MB.

<cc-file-upload label="Cover letter" helper-text="Please upload your cover letter.">
  <cc-icon icon="upload" slot="upload-icon" style="--size: 3ch;"></cc-icon>
  <p><b>Upload a file</b> or drag and drop here</p>
  <p>Accepted files: JPEG and PNG up to 10MB.</p>


Upload a file or drag and drop here

Accepted files: JPEG and PNG up to 10MB.

<form method="POST" onsubmit="alert(new FormData(this).get('start-date')); return false;">
  <cc-date-picker label="Start date" required name="start-date"></cc-date-picker>
  <cc-button type="submit">Submit</cc-button>

Label Position

Side-aligned labels are beneficial in reducing the overall height of a form, particularly when vertical space is constrained or dealing with longer forms.

  <cc-date-picker label="Start date" value="2023-10-31" label-position-side></cc-date-picker>

Accessibility Concerns

Provide instructions to help users understand how to complete the form and use individual form controls. Indicate any required and optional input, data formats, and other relevant information. When using the max attribute, ensure this maximum requirement is understood by the user. Providing instructions within the label may be sufficient. If providing instructions outside of labels, which allows more flexible positioning and design, consider using aria-labelledby or aria-describedby. In this case, you would add helper-text to provide additional instructions.

  label="Start date" 
  helper-text="Latest date accepted is 2023-12-31."